Before you skip over this thinking “Not another run-blogger telling us it was the worst conditions for the Boston Marathon in 30+ years blah blah blah”, I have more to the story than a weather report. It was my fourth consecutive Boston and the one I had the most fun running. The wind, rain, and cold just added to the challenge.
The two years prior, the weather was on the hotter end of the spectrum. Conditions that I do not do well in. I remember at quite a few points on the course this year when I thought to myself, “I was already struggling at this point in the race last year”. My momentum came to a crawl fairly last year and I could never regain it. The temperature was cool in 2015 with scattered showers that started about midway through my race. I ran my fastest Boston that year. I was also better trained for that one and several other factors lead to it being a successful race for me.
This year, though, I went in not quite as ready as I would have liked. I never really found a groove to lock in on a fast marathon time. Running 26.2 miles was not an issue at all, but running it at a fast pace was not in the cards for 2018. I had a lot of races mixed in prior that truncated some of my Boston prep. I had a career change, and the stress related to that, in the middle of my training cycle. So I never had that laser-focus it takes to get to the next level of training.
But I was OK with that. Life gets in the way sometimes and you have to make the best of what you have available on race morning. I had set goals of sub 3 hours, or if that was not happening, a Boston Qualifying time. For my age group, that time is 3:15. I had run “easy” at Shamrock a few weeks prior and finished in 3:17. I was confident I would hit at least one of those goals.
Once again, our good friend Sharon opened her home to Jen and I on marathon weekend. Without her generosity, I doubt we would do the race every year. Her location makes it so easy for us to move about the city without any real stress. A large contingency of Shenandoah Valley runners embarked on Boston as well, making it feel like a big family vacation. Jen and I flew into Boston the Friday before the race and met Sharon at her apartment, then went to dinner with the McGraw family, Mario, his niece and her boyfriend. Mario and I had done the race before, so it was cool to see Becky taking in the whole experience of her first Boston. We had all trained together leading up to this, so there is a bond shared between all of us as we prepared to cross that start line on Monday.
Saturday was the Boston 5k. The weather was perfect. Cool temperatures, but not cold. Sunny, but not steamy. Running the race this year in our group was Jen, Sharon, Mario, Becky, and Becky’s son Dylan. Becky’s husband John and mother-in-law Marcelle as well as Mario’s niece were there to cheer us on. The race accommodates around 10,000 runners. Among those runners are some of the fastest in the world. Ben True. Molly Huddle. True elites. And as usual, I ran into fellow Running Dad Mike Wardian and got a chance to chat before the race. I always enjoy chatting with such an accomplished and down-to-earth runner.

Mario, Becky, Dylan and I lined up as far forward as we could squeeze. Jen and Sharon found a spot in a pace group they were comfortable with a little bit further back. The first few turns of the race are usually pretty congested with runners settling into their paces. I did not have a real time goal for the race, but Mario had said “I want to race.” Well then. Let’s do it. I didn’t want to push too hard though and jeopardize Monday’s race. I ran right next to Mario at a steady pace until we made that historic left turn on Boylston. Mario said “Go get it, Coach,” and I couldn’t help but surge ahead. I still felt comfortable, not running at top effort. I crossed the finish a few seconds in front of Mario, who was only a few seconds off his own personal best time. Dylan and Becky ran together, making memories on the streets of Boston. I got to share this experience with Connor last year and it is something special we will always cherish. Jen and Sharon had fun running together and hamming it up for the cameras, enjoying time together since they do not get to see each other much during the year. Jen even set a new personal best 5k time along the way! Everyone had a great time. And if you know our group, you will know our next stop.
After breakfast, we all met up at Sam Adams Brewery to take a tour and sample some of their beers. I highly recommend taking the tour if you find yourself in Boston. We have done it twice now and it is fun and informative. And there is free beer involved. Win! We bounced around a few other destinations before returning to our temporary homes for the night.
Sunday’s agenda was a morning shakeout run along the Charles River, packet pickup and dinner. Jen, Mario, Becky and I met local running friends Shane and Renee to do our shakeout. As we ran, we passed another friend, Duane, doing his shakeout with a group. Sunday’s weather was a good bit cooler and a lot windier. A sign of things to come. Later, when we headed to the expo to retrieve our packets containing race bibs and goodies, it began to snow. As Sharon told us, if you don’t like the weather in Boston, wait 15 minutes, it will change. Not always for the better. That evening we all met up for dinner at Mother Anna’s, joined by more of Becky’s family that came to cheer her on. We all enjoyed chatting and strategizing how we would deal with the weather Monday morning.

The plan was to meet Mario at the corner of Beacon and Charles at 5:55 AM. Busses board at 6:00 and I am habitually early for everything. Fortunately for me, Sharon’s home is close to that location, so I could get up, dress, eat something, and easily walk to the corner. My race gear included from top down:
For Lucas Headsweats hat
Goodr sunglasses (rain shields)
Jen’s fancy pink Buff
Rabbit Singlet customized with Running Dad and For Lucas Logos
Arm sleeves
Gloves – 2 pair
SpiBelt with fuel – dates stuffed with peanut butter, Pickle Juice Shot, Sport Beans
Shorty shorts
Injinji socks
Altra Escalante Racers – Boston Edition
I covered all this up with some throw-away sweats and grabbed my clear bag with trash bags, snacks, heat shield, and essentials for athletes village. Off to the corner I went to wait for Mario. I waited. No Mario. 6:15 rolled around and I decided I am a horrible friend, but I am outta here. I boarded the bus and took off for Hopkinton.
Once in athletes village, I found a spot under the tent furthest away from the busses and set up camp to meet our crew since we had predetermined this to be the meeting point. It had been raining all night and morning. Top say it was muddy is an understatement. It was a mess. I put bags over my shoes and treaded through the muck and mud, laid down a trash bag, wrapped up in a heat shield blanket and waited. And waited. Finally Becky sloshed her way through the mud to join me. Then Tom, a friend from the Outer Banks who I have raced with before joined us. Still no Mario. I was feeling guilty for not waiting, imagining him standing on the corner waiting for me in the rain. What a horrible friend I am. Then I hear Becky say, “There’s Mario!”. I looked to my left and outside of our tent was Mario wrapped up in his heat shield, looking like a baked potato with legs. Turns out, he thought I said 6:55. Whew! I am not a horrible friend! I did not strand him on the corner. And he had less time to have to wait in the rain and cold. Win! I could tell he was cold though. Being Guatamalen, he is more attuned to heat than cold. There was an announcement for wave one to start heading to the start. Mario and I were in the same corral, so we headed out together, wishing Becky luck as she waited for wave two to be called. Here we go. Almost race time!
Mario and I settled into our corral with enough time to do some running around in circles to loosen up and try to stay warm. I planned to keep my sweats on until the last minute. Also in our corral was local runner, Courtney. She was shooting for sub 3 hour as well. We all chatted and made friends with the runners around us. The Elite Women and wheeled racers had already started and we got the announcement that the rest of the field would start in one minute. I shed my sweats and braced again the chill. It was cold, but I knew once I started moving, I would be fine.
And we were off! Mario and I planned to stick together since our goals were similar. It continued to rain and the wind buffeted us from the front, slowing us a bit and making us work a little harder. We settled into a comfortable pace and tick off the miles. At mile 11, Mario needed a bathroom stop. I expected him to jump off, take care of business and then come storming back up to catch me. I continued on, getting a big rush from passing through Wellsley and high-fiving every screaming college girl I could get a soggy gloved hand on. They were loud! I think the nasty elements just ramped up their enthusiasm and they shared that energy with the runners. I know my pace picked up after passing through the scream tunnel.
I continued a steady pace, nearing what I knew would be the make or break point in the race – Heartbreak Hill. It broke me last year. I had been reduced to a fast walk up those hills. This year, I was feeling much better and my pace dropped, but I was still running at a good pace. Midway up, I planned to take out some of my food to eat. Unfortunately, my hands being cold and covered up by 2 pair of soggy gloves made it next to impossible to get the fuel out of my belt. The only thing I could fish out was the pack of Sport beans. I had wanted another few peanut butter stuffed dates. They had given me a nice boost at the hour mark of the race. I managed to rip the top off the beans, but could not get the top to open. I kept an eye on the spectators, looking for someone who looked like they had enough finger dexterity to help me out. I found my target, made my way over and asked a young lady to assist. She tried her best but struggled as well. It seemed like forever. I figured Mario probably caught and passed me by this point. Finally her friend grabbed the pack and ripped it open. My hero! Back on track I downed a few beans and got the boost I needed. Up and over Heartbreak I went. Only 6 miles to go and I was feeling like a million bucks. Not super fast, but not on the pain train. Still on pace for a BQ. I locked in, put a smile on my face and surged through the puddles. Right on Herford, left on Boylston and down the home stretch. I spotted Jen in the crowd, waved and picked up my pace for the last bit of my fourth Boston finish. I crossed the line at 3:11:29. A BQ time!
I made my way through the finish chute, grabbing my medal, space blanket, and food. I had told Jen, Sharon and Mario that we would all meet at the George Washington statue in Boston Common. I got there first and was still feeling warm from my run. I had not felt cold during the race at all. I dug into my food bag, finding chips and energy bars to eat. Then my temperature started to drop. Brrrr. I stood there huddled alone until Jen and Sharon came around the corner. I asked about Mario and how Becky was doing since Jen had everyone on her tracking app. Mario had just finished and Becky was on track with a good pace. I could not stand there shivering any longer and once again, I abandoned Mario. His niece was going to meet him, though, and Sharon waited a while after Jen and I headed back to get me in the shower. So I am not a horrible friend even though I felt quite guilty leaving. Again.
After I was showered and feeling human again, I checked on my friends. Mario found his niece and Becky had finished and found her family. Our plan was to all get together for a celebratory beer, but the shuffle to get warm again made it impossible to meet up afterwards. Jen, Sharon and I went to a nearby pub, medal around my neck, and grabbed a beer and wings. Perfect. Another Boston in the books.
I am so glad I get these opportunities to share these experiences with my family and friends. The Boston Marathon truly is a treasure for the running community. Even if you do not run fast enough to qualify, or have no real desire to run a marathon, you owe it to yourself to take in the city during Boston Marathon weekend. You will leave with a renewed passion for running and proud to be part of the running movement.

Great race and recap! I hope to have my recap up as well. It was the first Boston I trained most of my miles with a Bob’s Ironman stroller.
Great recap! 🙂