3:45 AM – Awakened by 6 year old son who had a nightmare. Usher him back to his room and lay on his floor until he falls back to sleep.
4:45 AM – Awakened by legs going to sleep from being on the floor. Return to bedroom.
6:00 AM – Awakened by alarm clock. Shower, wake up boys, change baby diaper, make breakfast for boys and myself.
7:45 AM – Kiss wife and kids and send them off to school and work. Head to work.
5:00 PM – Pick up boys and head home. Play time. Make dinner.
7:30 PM – Mommy is home. Bath time for the boys.
8:15 PM – Relax with family.
9:15 PM – Boys asleep on sofas.
9:30 PM – Run time. 9.75 miles on the treadmill.
10:45 PM – Shower and relax on the sofa with both boys.
11:45 PM – Carry boys up to bed. Kiss everyone good night.
Work. Family. Run. Repeat.