We are in the last days of Boston Marathon preparation! I can’t believe the race is only 20 days away. I have enjoyed the training throughout the whole process. I can definitely tell that I am in the top shape that I have been in my running career. What does Coach Kyle have lined up for me these last days of training?
With the race at the end of the month, April will be one week of good volume still, and then a slight taper from there. The goal is to reduce volume slightly but keep the specificity up to make sure the legs stay neurologically sharp and don’t flatten out. Doing too little during a taper is almost as bad as doing too much. With a reducing volume, we’ll taper and peak with two workouts weekly that include repetitions at or faster than goal marathon pace.
A lot of runners take a week or more off, or at severely reduced mileage and efforts for their taper. I always feel that I run stronger after a tough workout. Kyle will keep me pushing the effort to make sure I continue to ascend in my conditioning and peak race day instead of starting to descend from top shape prior to the race.
Almost there!