
The first month of 2015 is in the books. I logged over 200 miles and started dialing in specific speed and hill training drills to prepare for Boston. The weather and darkness has kept me indoors on the treadmill. In January, I worked hard enough to blow fuses in my basement. Guess I am really giving my Sole F80 a workout! Or I need a new surge protector/supressor.

Moving into February, the training continues to evolve. Here is a summary of what Coach Kyle Kranz has planned for me:

February; at roughly 8-11 weeks out from Boston, if my mental counting is correct, is the start of the real specific training. January was primarily 1) getting volume up and 2) extending strides.

February we’ll take those strides and mold them into longer reps at faster-than-goal-marathon-pace with time at half marathon and 10k pace (For example: 2@mp, 2@hmp, 2@10k pace).

My favorite workout of the month is actually what you’re doing this weekend, 18 miles at 90% goal pace. This is actually one of my favorite workouts of al time. If you’re doing it at the right pace on a good day, 90% of marathon pace should feel very comfortable but if you execute it on target it is a huge confidence boost.

It looks like I have my work cut out for me. To interpret that example workout:

Start with 3 miles at an easy pace. Then:

2 miles at Marathon Pace (6:35-6:45 minute per mile) followed by 1 minute rest

2 miles at Half Marathon Pace (6:15-6:25) followed by 1 minute rest

2 miles at 10K pace (5:55-6:05)

Finish with another 3 miles at easy pace.

This workout falls in the middle of the week so I will have to do it on the treadmill late in the evening after the kids’ sports and family time. I can’t wait for longer, warmer days!

The 18 miler that Kyle described falls on the weekend, so I will definitely do it outside.

Boston is getting closer every day!