Less than a week left until I get the opportunity to run the historic Boston Marathon. I am really looking forward to taking in the sights of Boston and hopefully achieving my running goals.
A year or two ago, I had no desire to run the Boston Marathon. The logistics of getting to Boston, staying at a hotel and navigating through the city just did not appeal to me. Achieving a Boston Qualifying time was my main goal; a benchmark to shoot for. I think it was the whole process of qualifying this time that really made me want to run in Boston. For the past year I have been crushing all of my running goals, and the Boston Marathon is like my own personal Super Bowl.
Another factor that makes the logistics of the trip north a lot easier, my wife has a good friend who lives in the heart of Boston. She has opened up her apartment for Jen and I to stay marathon weekend and show us around. We already have a full itinerary of activities. We fly into Boston Friday evening. Saturday, we plan on hitting the marathon expo, then a brewery tour, followed by dinner with some runner friends. Sunday, we have an aquatic bus “Duck Tour” of the city. We also are going to check out Fenway Park for the Red Sox v. Orioles game. Of course Monday is the race in the morning. If I am still coherent and mobile afterwards, we will visit Fenway again in the evening for an after-race party. We fly home Tuesday morning.
Physically, I am feeling good. My plantar fasciitis in my foot still bothers me when I am inactive, but it is a lot better than it was a few weeks ago. Instead of cutting my running way back like some marathoners do as a taper, my coach has me slightly reducing overall miles, but sharpening specific paces and efforts. I recently ran a new 5k PR, so I am definitely in top shape. I want to hit my peak on race day, as opposed to a week before the actual race. When I have run at goal marathon pace, it has felt comfortable. Not easy by any means, but I think if I run a smart race, I can meet my goal of a 2:50 finish.
Mentally, I am anxious! I can’t wait to add this event to my running resume. I can’t wait to meet some friends I haven’t met in person. I can’t wait to make new friends. I can’t wait to run with members of Team Running Dad. I can’t wait to cross that finish line.
I only have a couple days to wait …