Last night was the first time I have had to go to the gym to get a run in. I waited until the boys were asleep so I would not miss any family time. 10:00 rolled around and I headed out into the 10 degree weather for the gym.
At that time of night, and that temperature, there are not many people out for a workout. Just one other brave soul trotting along on a treadmill.
I picked the one two down from her that looked like it was in good shape and had a tv above it. I tuned the tv to “Chopped” on the Food Network. I always think it is counterintuitive to have the Food Network turned on at the gym, but I am not trying to lose weight anymore, so it doesn’t matter.
It is kind of strange running on a different treadmill. This one was noisy. It sounded like I was stomping on the thing and I know I run pretty smooth and light. I am sure that my new one will be quieter, but also will take some getting used to.
I got my 8.77 miles in. The workout was 2 miles slow (I set treadmill at 6.5 miles per hour), 1 mile fast (7.8 MPH), 1:30 slow, 1 mile fast – repeating like that and finishing with a fast mile and a slow mile.
Then it was back out into the bitter cold with a film of sweat on me to make matters colder.
I will have to do this again Thursday early (4:30 am – ugh) or skip that workout all together because evening is not an option.
I can’t wait until my new treadmill gets here next week.