More cold weather forced me inside for the majority of my runs in February. I did get caught up on some good shows on Netflix. Check out Peaky Blinders next time you need a show to binge-watch. The visuals and soundtrack were truly immersive. Back to running – In February, I got two nice long runs in. One was 19 miles, the other 18. Mixed in some tempo work and recovery runs along the way. I battled some foot pain, but I have that under control now (see article about my injury) and feel strong moving into March.

Below is what Coach Kyle has on tap for me this month:
The goal for March is to go into the taper and peak with your greatest specificity in training. The big workout will be either 15 miles at goal pace (6:40 per mile) or 18 miles at 90-95% (7:20ish) goal marathon pace. Aside from that, we’ll do 1-2 weekly circuit breaker trippers* with varying distances and efforts from MOD to HARD and half marathon pace to 5k pace.
* Coach Kyle coined the term Circuit Breaker Trippers for speed workouts on the treadmill that always trip the breaker in my basement. They are quite frustrating, so hopefully March weather will be conducive for outdoor running.