2014 was a breakthrough for me in my running hobby/obsession/passtime. I set new personal best times, won races, and qualified for the Boston Marathon. Most importantly, I learned a lot. I listened to my coach. I researched and read as much running related information I could get my hands on. I listened to my body. I am a better runner than I was a year ago.
I would like to share what I have learned by helping you set and reach your running goals.
I am looking for a few runners, or individuals that are ready to start running, that want to set a goal and be motivated to reach it. It could be a goal to run your first 5k. You could be looking to meet a goal time in a half marathon and need a plan tailored to your fitness level and schedule. Or you just need guidance on how often, how hard, and how long to run and stay injury free. I’d like to discuss your goals and set up a plan that works for you.
I’ll be your cheerleader, drill sargent, and confidant. I’ll be a source of motivation and accountability. I’ll help with running, diet and strength training.
Why? Because I am interested in being a running consultant or coach down the line and I need to get my feet wet by working with runners. I only have enough time to help a couple runners, so if you are interested or would like more info, comment below or email me at jeremy@runningdad.com.