If you have been on the For Lucas Fund FirstGiving donation page, you will see we are right on the cusp of $25,000. I was very excited about this, so I reached out to UVa to see if we could do some joint marketing to take it to the next level. It turns out that not all of the donations received have been recorded to the FirstGiving page. We have currently over $32,000 raised for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit! WOW! Thank you to all that have helped along the way! It really means a lot to our entire family!
While talking with the program coordinator, he told me that there is a new system in place to bypass the 3rd party donation site (FirstGiving). This allows 100% of the donations to go to the UVa NICU. No processing fees or anything like that. We have been working on a new donation platform for the page that is scheduled to launch today. I will share that as soon as I get the go ahead and test it out. There will be a lot of really cool features that will help the babies and families that are at the NICU.
Lucas’ 12th birthday is September 18th. I plan on rolling out a contest or challenge in the next few days to motivate, inspire, and raise money for the Lucas Fund.
Stay tuned …
** Photo by Ginger Perry – The Winchester Star