REST is a four letter word
Nine weeks into my sixteen week marathon training program, and I tweak my calf muscle. I got a sharp pain on the inside of my left leg's calf muscle. I have had calf strains in the past. In 2012, a calf muscle tear caused me to miss the Apple Blossom 10k that I had...
The Wall
Personally, I have not hit the proverbial wall, but as my October marathon looms closer and closer, I can’t help to have that fear in the back of my mind. My friend and fellow Running Dad, Shane Curtis, who I had run 22 of the 26.2 miles of the Shamrock Marathon in...
Running For Lucas – Helping Babies and Their Families
UPDATE - The Sponsor a Running Dad campaign for the 2013 Baltimore Marathon helped to raise over $1650.00 for the babies and their families at the UVA NICU. Thank you to all who donated and to Team Running Dad! Lucas Carson Sanders was born September 18, 2004. He...
Skora Base 1 Month, 100 Mile Review
Now that I have had a chance to run for varying distances and conditions, I can give a true review of the Skora Base. I have put slightly over 100 miles on them in the first month since purchased. I run five days a week - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and...
Sprinting Form Different from Regular Running Form?
My favorite part of a race is the final kick. As soon as I have the finish line in sight, I like to take off in a full sprint. I usually can steal a few places by flying past runners coasting into the finish. The last race I ran, my wife said it looked like I was...
Zombies! Run!
Have you ever imagined a horde of the walking dead chasing you as you take your morning training run? Maybe it is because I have listened to all 3 of J.L. Bourne's "Day By Day Armageddon" audio books on my ipod while running, or watching AMC's "The Walking Dead" on my...
Shoe review: Brooks Pure Flow for Kids
Back in March, when I was in Virginia Beach for the Shamrock Marathon, my family and I swung by the running expo to pick up my race packet and check out the vendor tables. I had my eye on some Pure Connects at the Brooks booth, so my wife inquired about kid shoes...
Running Buddies – Guilt is a great motivator
Get up on my own at 4:30 am to run 6 miles? No thank you. Snooze button ... click. Make an excuse why I can't get my butt out of bed when a fellow runner texts me "Run at 5 tomorrow morning?". Unless I do have a legit reason other than being tired, I am in. A while...
Shoe review – Skora Base
I am moving into the world of minimal and zero drop running shoes. The goal of minimalist and zero drop footwear is to get back to the basics - efficient, proper form running. The benefits are injury prevention from a more natural stride, a connection with the terrain...
2013 Virginia Wine Country Half Marathon Review
June 1, 2013 - Doukenie Winery, Purcellville, Virginia. Heat. Hills. Gravel. Three things that can make a run miserable ... if you let them. I see them as challenges. On this day, the only one of those three that almost got the best of me was the heat and humidity. I...