A Day in the Life of a Running Dad

3:45 AM - Awakened by 6 year old son who had a nightmare. Usher him back to his room and lay on his floor until he falls back to sleep. 4:45 AM - Awakened by legs going to sleep from being on the floor. Return to bedroom. 6:00 AM - Awakened by alarm clock. Shower,...

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Week Recap: January 28- February 3, 2013

Since last week ended with a total of 24 miles on the weekend, this week was a nice relief. Tuesday was a four mile slow start then alternate 30 seconds of fast and 2 minutes slow. Total distance was 5.7 miles. Thursday was a straightforward 7 miles. The weekend long...

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Running Dad – Dave Jones

Running Dad – Dave Jones

RUNNING DAD PROFILE: NAME: Dave Jones RESIDENCE: Hanson, Kentucky AGE: 36 FAMILY: Married, two kids (7 yr old son & 3 yr old daughter) and 1 more on the way in August. Why do you run? I basically run because I hate to run! I set the goal of a marathon because it...

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The Running Dad Interviews

I have met a lot of other running dads and moms since I started running and have learned a lot from talking to them. We all share the same challenges when it comes balancing family and the hobby of running. Enjoy the interviews below and if you would like to share...

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Treadmill Review: Sole F80

Treadmill Review: Sole F80

After the passing of my ProForm treadmill, I was in need of a replacement .. and fast. I had purchased my original treadmill from Sears around ten years ago, so I decided to check out what they had. UPDATE (2/15/14) I have had the Sole F80 for over a year now. I am...

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I Smell a Fartlek

I Smell a Fartlek

My marathon training has not only improved my fitness, it has expanded my vocabulary. Previously, I would have thought the word "fartlek" had something to do with bathroom humor. Which I of course think is juvenile and immature ... So what is a fartlek? In technical...

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Week Recap: January 21-27, 2013

This week was a pretty heavy mileage week. I know there is more to come, but this is pretty brutal. Tuesday had me doing a slow mile, then a fast mile, slow 1:30, fast mile ... alternating slow 1:30 and fast mile for 5 miles. The workout ended with a slow 1 mile....

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Week Recap: January 21-27, 2013

Tuesday’s workout was on the treadmill at the gym since my treadmill is busted. I had to skip Thursday's workout because my wife was out of town and I could not leave them at home alone. I've tried it before and they always find a way to slip out of their cages (just...

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Training for Shamrock 2013

2013 Goal - Complete a full marathon. I selected the Shamrock Marathon in Virginia Beach on March 17th to be my first full marathon. I have been using a training program I found on RunKeeper. It is a 16 week program that has me running Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays...

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