Passing on the left

Would it be lame to carry a bicycle horn or bell while running? Or an air horn - now that would be cool. I have found myself on many runs approaching other runners or walkers that are up ahead with their back to me. So the person doesn't know I am approaching from...

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Columbia Drainmaker Review – A great shoe for Tough Mudder

Columbia Drainmaker Review – A great shoe for Tough Mudder

I spent a long time searching for the best shoe to wear for Tough Mudder. If you are not familiar with the Tough Mudder, it is a 10-12 mile military style obstacle course. Mud, water, ice, electricity. Fun, right?! You can check out the madness at the Tough Mudder...

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“In 2013, I want to get better at running”

Those were the words of my six year old son when his teacher asked what he wanted to do better in the new year. This dad's heart filled with pride that his son has embraced a sport we can both enjoy together for years to come. The seasonal sports come and go, but as I...

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I miss my treadmill already

Last night was the first time I have had to go to the gym to get a run in. I waited until the boys were asleep so I would not miss any family time. 10:00 rolled around and I headed out into the 10 degree weather for the gym. At that time of night,  and that...

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New Balance MRC5000 Review

New Balance MRC5000 Review

My wife got me a pair of the New Balance MRC5000 racing flats for Christmas. I had narrowed my search for a lightweight racing flat down to these and the Adidas Adizero Hagio. The RC 5000s are one of - if not the lightest, racing flats on the market. It weighs in at...

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Week Recap: January 14-20, 2013

This week marks the halfway mark of my marathon training. Tuesday's workout consisted of 2 miles slow (8:30 minute mile) then alternate between .25 mile fast (7:30 minute mile) and 2:09 slow for 16 of each speed. It finished with 1 mile slow. The total distance came...

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RIP Treadmill. You will be missed.

Today is a sad day. I have lost a trusted friend. We have traveled a lot of miles together yet still feel at home. It has been a 10 year relationship. Granted, it is an on-and-off, love-hate type of friendship, but we have grown close in the last 2 years. Today we...

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Welcome to

Welcome to

I am a Running Dad. I will not slow down. I will not look back. I will lead by example. I will encourage others to follow me, challenge me, beat me. I don't know what I am running from or what I am chasing. I just run. This page is dedicated to the runners who try and...

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Puma Faas 250 Review

Puma Faas 250 Review

So "faas" is Jamaican for "fast". But Puma is a German company, right? It all makes more sense when you see the Jamaican Olympic track team, including Usain Bolt, sporting their shoes. I found my first pair of Puma Faas 250's on the clearance wall at the Puma outlet...

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