I Smell a Fartlek

I Smell a Fartlek

My marathon training has not only improved my fitness, it has expanded my vocabulary. Previously, I would have thought the word “fartlek” had something to do with bathroom humor. Which I of course think is juvenile and immature … (more…)

“In 2013, I want to get better at running”

Those were the words of my six year old son when his teacher asked what he wanted to do better in the new year. This dad’s heart filled with pride that his son has embraced a sport we can both enjoy together for years to come. The seasonal sports come and go, but as I have learned this year, there is almost always a race nearby to take part in. Or time to run in the neighborhood. Time to chat as we run together. Time to get faster. Time to get closer. Time to run.

This is what being a Running Dad (or mom) is all about.

I miss my treadmill already

Last night was the first time I have had to go to the gym to get a run in. I waited until the boys were asleep so I would not miss any family time. 10:00 rolled around and I headed out into the 10 degree weather for the gym.

At that time of night,  and that temperature, there are not many people out for a workout.  Just one other brave soul trotting along on a treadmill. (more…)

Welcome to RunningDad.com

Welcome to RunningDad.com

Cole Loudoun Street Mile Tot Trot

First race for Cole – The Loudoun Street Mile 5/27/13

I am a Running Dad. I will not slow down. I will not look back. I will lead by example. I will encourage others to follow me, challenge me, beat me. I don’t know what I am running from or what I am chasing. I just run.

This page is dedicated to the runners who try and balance career, family and finding the time to run. I hope some of the info I provide will help you improve or motivate you. I also encourage you to leave feedback because I have a long way to go in my goal to be a better Running Dad.